Meadowbrook Healing Arts
Kim Coventry
RMT, Reiki Master Teacher
Reiki and Massage Therapy for Centering and Wellness

Contact, Hours & Location
Tues, Wed, Fri 9am-8:30pm
The office is open by appointment only.
Online Scheduling/Gift Certificates coming soon!
Meadowbrook Massage Therapy, LLC
1446 Hover St.
Suite 202
Longmont, CO 80501
Directions and Details:
Meadowbrook Massage Therapy is located at 1446 Hover St on the south-east corner of Hover St. and 15th Ave. The office is in the south side of the Hover Dental Building. It is a wonderfully peaceful location with a warm, comforting environment inside. After your massage you can take in this relaxing environment and enjoy a cup of tea before returning to your day.
There is plenty of parking in the lot in front of the building.
Please enter through the South Entrance (to the right of the fountain) and go up the stairs. You are welcome to relax in the waiting area there and I will meet you when it is time for your appointment to start.