Meadowbrook Healing Arts
Kim Coventry
RMT, Reiki Master Teacher
Reiki and Massage Therapy for Centering and Wellness

Owl Song Peace Center
I was blessed with a beautiful dream to create a place where people and animals can come to find peace and healing. Where you are free to heal in nature and take time after healing sessions to absorb the experience before rushing back to the busy world. And a place where you can come and practice and share your own healing gifts.

Connecting to Nature
We are all connected to nature and it is connected to us. I believe the greatest healing one can receive is from nature itself and honoring our energetic connection to all of the life around us. My clients will frequently hear me encourage them to take a walk in nature after their session, or as regular self-care. I am excited to open a space where people can do just that, without having to get back in their cars, and without mobility issues or outside stresses keeping them from nature.
I am seeking a place to host clients, other healing arts practitioners, community activities, peace meditations, educators, classes and Reiki shares for people to have a low or no cost option to give and receive Reiki. I also look forward to hosting nature Reiki, where we can all give our love to nature and animals and receive their blessings in return.

Making this Dream a Reality.
I come from humble beginnings and know that while my life path has been steadily leading me toward achieving this dream, I still have quite a journey ahead of me. I am grateful to my family, friends and mentors who believe in me, for my clients who have steadfastly stood with me over the past fourteen years of my business, even as I have been learning and growing myself, and for each of you who will play a role in my future and in making this dream a reality. There is no way I will be able to do it alone, but I believe in my dream and I believe in people. Through the past few years on my healing journey I have recognized the importance of asking for help and the strength and power of community. If you feel called to help in any way please reach out to me directly with your thoughts or offering, or click the link below (coming soon) to make a donation. Thank you for taking the time to allow me to share my dream with you.
Love, Peace and Gratitude, -Kim